New Star Software Collection
3-004 ms visual basic pro 30
Text File
422 lines
Begin Form KeyBrdFrm
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Double
Caption = "On-Screen Keyboard Button Sample"
ControlBox = 0 'False
Height = 6255
Left = 135
LinkMode = 1 'Source
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 390
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 612
Top = 195
Width = 9300
Begin SKBButton SKB1
Height = 2055
Left = 6840
Picture = KEYBRD.FRX:0000
SKBType = 1 'Basic Keyboard
Top = 1320
Version = 268435458
Width = 2055
Begin PictureBox Picture1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Height = 975
Index = 0
Left = 240
ScaleHeight = 945
ScaleWidth = 8745
TabIndex = 4
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 120
Width = 8775
Begin Label Label1
Alignment = 2 'Center
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Windows for Pens provides an on-screen keyboard that may be displayed at any time. In this demonstration, tap the SKB Button to make the keyboard appear below the control that has the focus."
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 735
Index = 0
Left = 540
TabIndex = 5
Top = 120
Width = 7635
Begin TextBox Text1
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 495
Left = 360
TabIndex = 0
Text = "Text1"
Top = 1320
Width = 6255
Begin VHedit HEdit1
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 495
InflateBottom = 18
InflateLeft = 18
InflateRight = 18
InflateTop = 18
Left = 360
TabIndex = 1
Text = "HEdit1"
Top = 2040
Version = 268435458
Width = 6255
Begin VBedit BEdit1
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
CellHeight = 32
CellWidth = 24
CombBaseLine = 26
CombColor = &H00000000&
CombEndHeight = 8
CombHeight = 4
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 12
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 615
InflateBottom = 12
InflateLeft = 12
InflateRight = 12
InflateTop = 16
Left = 360
TabIndex = 2
Text = "BEdit1"
Top = 2760
Version = 268435458
Width = 6255
Begin PictureBox Picture2
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Height = 1395
Left = 120
ScaleHeight = 1365
ScaleWidth = 8865
TabIndex = 6
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 3720
Width = 8895
Begin CommandButton QueryKeyBrd
Caption = "Query Keyboard "
Height = 1095
Left = 6240
TabIndex = 3
Top = 120
Width = 2475
Begin Label KBhWnd
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 375
Left = 1440
TabIndex = 13
Top = 120
Width = 1455
Begin Label KBMinimized
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 375
Left = 4560
TabIndex = 16
Top = 120
Width = 1455
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "KB hWnd"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 120
TabIndex = 7
Top = 240
Width = 1095
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Minimized"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Index = 3
Left = 3120
TabIndex = 10
Top = 240
Width = 1335
Begin Label KBStyle
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 375
Left = 1440
TabIndex = 14
Top = 480
Width = 1455
Begin Label KBLeft
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 375
Left = 4560
TabIndex = 18
Top = 480
Width = 1455
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "SKBType"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Index = 1
Left = 120
TabIndex = 8
Top = 600
Width = 1095
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Left"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Index = 5
Left = 3120
TabIndex = 11
Top = 600
Width = 1335
Begin Label KBVisible
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 375
Left = 1440
TabIndex = 15
Top = 840
Width = 1455
Begin Label KBTop
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 375
Left = 4560
TabIndex = 17
Top = 840
Width = 1455
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "SKBVisible"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Index = 2
Left = 0
TabIndex = 9
Top = 960
Width = 1215
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Top"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 255
Index = 6
Left = 3120
TabIndex = 12
Top = 960
Width = 1335
Begin CommandButton ExitButton
Caption = "Return to Main Menu"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 495
Left = 120
TabIndex = 19
Top = 5220
Width = 8895
Sub BEdit1_GotFocus ()
If (SKB1.SKBVisible = False) Then
SKB1.SKBLeft = BEdit1.Left
SKB1.SKBTop = BEdit1.Top + BEdit1.Height + 5
End If
End Sub
Sub ExitButton_Click ()
SKB1.SKBVisible = False
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
SKB1.SKBLeft = HEdit1.Left
SKB1.SKBTop = HEdit1.Top + HEdit1.Height + 5
End Sub
Sub HEdit1_GotFocus ()
If (SKB1.SKBVisible = False) Then
SKB1.SKBLeft = HEdit1.Left
SKB1.SKBTop = HEdit1.Top + HEdit1.Height + 5
End If
End Sub
Sub QueryKeyBrd_Click ()
Rem -- Query the keyboard for status properties
KBhWnd.Caption = " &&h" + Hex$(SKB1.hWnd)
KBStyle.Caption = " " + Str$(SKB1.SKBTypeStatus)
If (SKB1.SKBVisibleStatus) Then
KBVisible.Caption = " True"
KBVisible.Caption = " False"
End If
If (SKB1.SKBMinStatus) Then
KBMinimized.Caption = " True"
KBMinimized.Caption = " False"
End If
On Error GoTo ErrTrap
KBLeft.Caption = Str$(SKB1.SKBLeftStatus)
KBTop.Caption = Str$(SKB1.SKBTopStatus)
Exit Sub
KBLeft.Caption = " 0"
KBTop.Caption = " 0"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Text1_GotFocus ()
If (SKB1.SKBVisible = False) Then
SKB1.SKBLeft = Text1.Left
SKB1.SKBTop = Text1.Top + Text1.Height + 5
End If
End Sub